除了BC本地高中各项科目辅导, 我们还提供 AP课程, 数学竞赛课程, 可修BC学分的暑期夏校课程。
教师均为经验丰富, 且孰悉BC课程要求的专业教师, 上课风格多样, 幽默风趣, 颇受许多学生喜爱。
AP Biology
AP Computer Science
AP Calculus AB, BC
AP Physics 1, 2
AP Chemistry
AP Microeconomic
AP Macroeconomic
AP Psychology
AP Statistics
AP Environmental Science
UWaterloo 滑铁卢数学竞赛课程
Beaver Computing Challenge
Gauss (Gr. 7)
Gauss (Gr. 8)
Pascal (Gr. 9)
Fryer (Gr. 9)
Cayley (Gr. 10)
Galois (Gr. 10)
Fermat (Gr. 11)
Hypatia (Gr. 11)
Euclid (Gr. 12)
Canadian Computing Competition
Canadian Senior and Intermediate
Mathematics Contests
English Language Arts 8, 9
Science 8, 9, 10
Social Studies 8, 9, 10, 11
Math 9
Foundations of Math & Precalculus 10
Composition & Literary Studies 10
Composition 11
Journalism 11 (New Media 11)
Foundations of Math 11
Life Sciences 11
Anatomy & Physiology 12
Physics 11, 12
English Studies 12
Calculus 12
Chemistry 11, 12
Literary Studies 11
Pre-Calculus 11, 12